Post Grant Requirements


Once a Grant is received, these are the post-receipt requirements and reconciliations:

1. You must send a receipt letter within 15 days of receiving your grant check. The IRS requires the Foundation to have proper substantiation of all grants made. The letter must expressly state that “no goods or services were received in exchange for this donation.” Please note: If the receipt letter and other required reconciliation reports are not received in a timely fashion your organization will not be considered for funding the following year.  Your receipt letter and other documents can be sent to the Foundation office or by email to
You may email any questions.
2.  You must use the grant amount in its entirety for the program(s) or use approved by the Foundation during the year of the program or timetable noted in the request. If the grant amount is not used in its entirety for the program funded, any unused portion of the grant must be returned to the Foundation or you must seek Foundation approval for keeping the unused portion of the grant funds.
3. As a projected budget is submitted with your proposal, you must submit a post-program itemized budget to the Foundation within 90 days after the program or grant request use is completed as well as noting the outcomes of the grant.
4. Please provide the Foundation with a report on how the funds were acknowledged by your organization or institution.

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